Five Dead After Semi-Truck Spills Toxic Materials
Most people are totally unaware that many semi-trucks carry highly toxic, explosive, or even radioactive materials on a daily basis. The next time you drive past a semi-truck, you might be dangerously close to a substance that could kill you if it spills. It only takes a small mistake for a semi-truck to roll over and leak the toxic substance all over the road. In late September of 2023, this is exactly what happened – and many people lost their lives as a result.
“Cloud of Ammonia” Released after Semi-Truck Rollover
On September 30th, it was reported that a semi-truck had overturned in Illinois. This alone would have likely caused numerous fatalities, but the situation was made much worse due to the truck’s cargo. The vehicle was carrying 7,500 gallons of anhydrous ammonia, a powerful, toxic chemical that can easily be fatal to humans. About half of the truck’s tank was released in the crash, causing a “cloud of ammonia” to seep across the surrounding area.
It is not clear whether any of the fatalities were caused by the toxic cloud, or whether they were caused by vehicle collisions. However, it’s clear that the cloud of ammonia seriously complicated rescue efforts by first responders. Because the gas cloud had settled over the accident site, no one was able to enter the area and administer much-needed first aid to the survivors.
One of the victims was a truck driver from Ohio who was driving past the accident. The other victims include two children and one adult from the same family. The last victim was a driver from Missouri. Many others have been affected by this crash, and 500 people were evacuated from the immediate area due to the spread of ammonia. After first responders were finally able to move in, five additional victims were airlifted to nearby hospitals with serious injuries.
Many of these evacuees may be suffering with health issues related to ammonia exposure. These issues might include lung irritation, burning of the skin and eyes, and much more. Ammonia is corrosive, which means that it can literally eat away at human tissue. With all this in mind, it is fair to say that this entire incident may lead to dozens of personal injury lawsuits. Just one day prior to this accident, another semi-truck crashed in Ohio and spilled a significant amount of diesel fuel.
Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Columbus?
If you’ve been injured and are looking for a a Columbus truck accident lawyer, book a consultation with Brian G Miller CO, LLC today. During this consultation, we can discuss the specifics of your situation and determine the most appropriate course of action. Negligent trucking companies must be held accountable for transporting highly toxic materials across Ohio and the United States in a dangerous, reckless manner. Reach out to begin pursuing compensation.